Basic Player Movement: Unity 3D
The player movement can be done in many different ways.
So to define what is movement — is a change in position.
Let’s see how we can do it in Unity -
1.Moving Object with Transform
// creating function in update method for moving Object
// get the position of the player
//getting the input value of leftArrow,rightArrow or “a” and “d” key pressed
//multiplying the xInput value by speed and time and assign it to temporary position
// reassgin the updated value to transform position
2.Moving with Translate
Translate is a method for Transform object which takes Vector3 as parameter transform.Translate(0,0,1) is same as transform.Translate(Vector3.forward) and transform.Translate(1,0,0) is same as transform.Translate(Vector3.right) and here the xInput values corresponds to +1 to -1 (for positive values the object moves in the “+x” nd it is reversed “-x” for negative values) and same is the case for zInput